NHS Friends and Family Results

Answer Total
Very Good 107
Very Poor 3
Poor 5
Neither Good Nor Poor 2
Good 26
Don't Know 3

What you had to tell us

We asked... "Can you tell us why you gave that response?"

Comment Date
Admin call staff unhelpful, uncaring, dismissive, rude and judgemental. I had been in practice for over 25 years I have seen nothing but a decline in GP care and interactions with surgery. Surgery that has amalgamation with several other surgeries has become to big to focus on patient care. I have left the surgery would never recommend as results not followed up, repeat prescription ignored and GP google symptoms Wednesday 13 November
You good Monday 24 June
Very responsive. The online system is brilliant with quick responses never had an issue with getting an appt this way Sunday 7 April
Most of the service offered is extremely poor, especially at Tenneyson House- I presume lack of staffing, funding and problems in recruiting is at the root of this. However, Dr Tabitha Neminathan offered me outstanding care. She listened properly, understood the nuance of my needs and acted swiftly and decisively to help. Monday 18 March