Configure Prescription Details

Repeat Prescriptions

How Do I Order My Repeat Prescription?

  • Using our online services – SystmOnline. You will need to be registered for our online services. Please note 13-15 year olds cannot have online access at Chelmer Medical Partnership.
  • Using the NHS App
  • By placing your request in the post box at the front of the surgery - Please ensure you clearly state your name and date of birth 
  • By post – Please visit our Contact Us Page - Please ensure you clearly state your name and date of birth. Patients using the postal service should allow one week for your prescription to be received. 

For safety reasons we do not take prescription requests over the telephone.

Please request your repeat prescription 7 working days in advance of it running out.

Please allow the surgery at least 3 working days to process your repeat prescription. 


Issue Guide 

  • Received at the practice on Monday before 1.00pm - Sent to nominated pharmacy on Thursday
  • Received at the practice on Tuesday before 1.00pm - Sent to nominated pharmacy on Friday
  • Received at the practice on Wednesday before 1.00pm - Sent to nominated pharmacy on Monday
  • Received at the practice on Thursday before 1.00pm - Sent to nominated pharmacy on Tuesday
  • Received at the practice on Friday before 1.00pm - Sent to nominated pharmacy on Wednesday
  • Received at the practice on Saturday/Sunday any time - Sent to nominated pharmacy on Thursday

Please take the bank holidays into consideration when following the above guide. 


Please check with your nominated pharmacy the timeframe on prescription processing. You should contact your nominated pharmacy in the first instance if you are awaiting a prescription. 

Please be advised it is your responsibility to ensure your repeat prescription request is received by the practice 7 working days in advance of running out. If this is any later, the practice cannot guarantee it will be issued in time. 

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to speak a clinician at least once a year to review these regular medications. Notifications of this should appear on your repeat slip.

Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to your prescription.

To book an appointment, please contact the Reception team or complete the Accurx triage form on the home screen.